Product overview

Transforming the essence of nature into innovation

Our Flagship Product
A Pioneering Plant-based Humic Acid

represents the pinnacle of sustainable innovation. Sourced from the richest living organic matter, this humic acid is not just an agricultural amendment, a supplement ingredient or an environmental purifier; it is a testament to what can be achieved when we align our ambitions with the rhythm of nature.


0 % purity

This premium humic acid is derived from a meticulous selection of living plant matter, ensuring that every drop is infused with the essence of vitality. Its unparalleled purity represents a quantum leap in quality and efficacy, opening up new avenues in agriculture, animal health, human nutrition and industrial applications. Our product is the bridge between the wisdom of the past and the possibilities of the future, made from the very building blocks of life.

Our commitment to 97% purity in our humic acid is not just about creating a superior product; it's about nurturing life in all its forms—plant, animal, and human. By ensuring the highest quality and efficacy, we contribute to a healthier planet and populace, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and the environments we share.

Benefits of 97% Purity

Elevating Health and Vitality Across Species and Soils

The 97% purity level of our humic acid transcends mere numerical value—it embodies the zenith of quality and potency, particularly in enhancing animal well-being and human health. This unparalleled purity maximizes bioavailability and effectiveness across a spectrum of applications, from rejuvenating soils to bolstering animal nutrition and augmenting human dietary supplements. The essence of our product lies in its minimal impurities and enriched concentration of active humic substances, offering profound benefits

Ensures optimal water retention, nutrient availability, and root growth, laying the foundation for healthy plant development which indirectly supports both animal and human nutrition by providing more nutritious feed and food.

Stimulates strong, resilient growth and higher yields, contributing to the availability of quality ingredients for animal feed and human consumption, thereby supporting the ecological chain of nutrition

Elevates animal health through superior nutrient uptake, improved gastrointestinal function, and bolstered immune defence mechanisms, translating into healthier livestock and, consequently, safer and more nutritious animal products for human consumption.

  • Our humic acid is a powerhouse of essential minerals and antioxidants, enriching supplements with its detoxifying and nutritional properties. This contributes to improved digestive health, immune response, and overall well-being in humans, tapping into nature's bounty to foster health from the ground up.

How it's made

Our sustainable manufacturing process is a harmony of tradition and innovation, a method that respects the earth while extracting its bounty. We start with the finest botanicals, responsibly sourced to ensure ecological balance. Through a gentle extraction process, we preserve the integrity and potency of the humic substances, avoiding harsh chemicals and minimising our carbon footprint. This process not only results in a product of exceptional purity, but also reflects our commitment to sustainability from start to finish. The only waste we produce in this process is water.

Analyses and standards

Quality and sustainability are imperatives

Our humic acid is backed by rigorous analysis and adheres to the highest manufacturing standards. We are proud to have achieved process standards that demonstrate our commitment to creating a product that is not only effective but also environmentally responsible. These processes are a testament to our rigorous quality control measures, ethical sourcing practices and our drive to lead the industry towards a more sustainable future.

In creating our plant-based humic acid, we have woven the threads of purity, efficacy and sustainability into a product that stands as a beacon of innovation. It is not just what we make, but how we make it that sets us apart – a testament to the power of combining human ingenuity with the wisdom of nature.

Join us in a future where quality and sustainability go hand in hand, ushering in a new era of health and environmental stew.